Saturday 9 AM to 4 PM
Saturday 9 AM to 4 PM
Surgical Growth Removals
Your veterinarian has already discussed with you the details of your pet’s growth and has recommended surgical removal, and we may have already recommended the need for the biopsy to be sent off for analysis. Some surgical sites will require a drain (a tube used to remove pus, blood, or other fluids from a wound). Your veterinarian will determine whether a drain is necessary.
For the morning of surgery
If possible, please mark the growth(s) to be removed with a black Sharpie. If you are unable to mark the growth(s), you may clip the hair around the growth(s), or show the surgical technician exactly where the growth(s) are on the body during the check-in process.
Post-Operative Care
Depending on the growth (size, location, substance), you may plan on your pet to go home with pain medication and/or antibiotics. Also, we recommend each pet that has a growth removed to always wear an Elizabethan collar, or e-collar, for the first 7-14 days. We don’t want your pet to scratch or rub the surgical site, risking damage to it.