Monday-Friday 7 AM to 7 PM
Saturday 9 AM to 4 PM

3 Tips for Improving Your Cat’s Diet

Cats are known for their finicky demeanor and independence, which often translates to their dietary habits as they snub their food or eat at bizarre hours. However, some of these dietary habits may not be due to your cat’s personality but are actually a sign that their diet needs tweaking. Therefore, it’s worth going over the following list to ensure your cat’s feeding time is as effective and pleasant as possible for your beloved pet. 

Choose Age-Appropriate Food 

When choosing food for your feline companion, it’s important to consider their age. Kittens should be fed a diet specifically designed to promote their growth and development, while adult cats need a diet that is geared to maintain their overall health. Furthermore, a senior cat may require a diet with less protein and fat to help stabilize weight control and support kidney function. 

Stop Free-Feeding 

If you have a free-feeding schedule for your cat, meaning you just top off their bowl so they can eat whenever they please throughout the day, it may be a good idea to change that. There are two reasons behind this change. First, in the wild, cats are predators who must hunt their prey for their next meal. Therefore, by feeding them small, frequent meals, you’re enabling them to engage in their natural instincts. Secondly, just as we as humans wouldn’t want today’s meal poured over yesterday’s cold leftovers, your cat doesn’t either. Clean out their bowl between feedings and allow them a fresh bowl.

Use Ceramic, Glass, or Stainless-Steel Bowls  

This may seem strange. However, when a cat uses a plastic bowl, over time, the bowl begins to develop slits and scratches that become traps for bacteria and food particles. This occurrence is generally associated with an unfavorable smell, which can discourage your cat from eating.

It is important to consult with your local veterinarian to determine the best diet and nutritional habits for your cat based on their needs and health status. Contact your cat’s veterinarian to schedule an appointment today!



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Monday-Friday 7 AM to 7 PM
Saturday 9 AM to 4 PM