Monday-Friday 7 AM to 7 PM
Saturday 9 AM to 4 PM

Laboratory Services

Kingsland Blvd Animal Clinic is equipped with the latest in laboratory equipment to allow rapid diagnosis of your pet’s symptoms. For your sick pet, we are able to run complete blood counts and blood chemistries, analyze your pet’s urine, conduct tests for a variety of illnesses from parvo to pancreatitis to heartworm disease, and review cytologies under a microscope.

These advanced diagnostic abilities mean we are able to begin your pet’s care immediately and effectively, not having to wait for results to come back from a remote lab to determine a treatment plan. When time is not of the essence, or a more thorough analysis is indicated, we also send out bloodwork, tissue samples, and cultures to an outside laboratory.



Monday-Friday 7 AM to 7 PM
Saturday 9 AM to 4 PM