Children who start caring for pets at a young age learn responsibility, accountability, compassion, and empathy. Caring for and nurturing another living creature is an amazing opportunity to teach your child responsibility in the most effective (and fun!) way possible. Here’s a look at how caring for pets teaches children responsibility.
Maintaining a Schedule
It’s important to maintain a daily schedule when caring for pets. Both pets and children love routine and want to know they can expect certain things to happen at certain times of the day. Having your child be involved in caring for a pet at a young age will further reinforce the importance of sticking to a schedule to make sure the pet’s needs are met.
Making Decisions
When you’re a responsible pet owner, you will need to make tough decisions. You can have your child make those decisions with you so that they understand how these decisions affect other people and pets. For instance, you can talk your child through deciding what to name your pet, when to walk or exercise the pet, when to take it to the veterinarian, and when to give it a treat or reward.
Teaching Others
In addition to teaching your child how to care for another living being, you are also empowering your child to teach others what they have learned. Have your child explain to guests how to interact with your pet, or write up instructions for caring for your pet when you go on vacation.
Time Management
Much like pet ownership will help your child stick to a schedule, it will also teach your child about time management. Your child will learn how to prioritize and put someone else’s needs above their own. They will also learn how to complete pet-related tasks before doing other, less important things.
The first time you bring your pet to the veterinarian, take your child with you. This will give your child the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the responsibilities of pet ownership.