Monday-Friday 7 AM to 7 PM
Saturday 9 AM to 4 PM

Immunizations for Your Cat

Did you know that August is National Immunization Awareness Month? This is an important time for pet owners to recognize the importance of immunizations and to schedule veterinary care to get their pets up to date with the necessary shots. Getting immunizations and regular boosters is important for your cat to have a long healthy life, but which vaccines does your cat need? Keep reading to learn more about immunizations for your cat.

The Core Immunizations Your Cat Needs

There are several immunizations that all cats need to get. Most owners know about the rabies vaccine, mostly because almost every state requires this shot for pets. Other standard immunizations include feline rhinotracheitis and calicivirus, to prevent respiratory infections that cats are commonly exposed to. Cats may also need to be vaccinated against panleukopenia, which is also referred to as feline distemper and is deadly for cats that are infected.

Additional Immunizations Your Veterinarian May Recommend

Your veterinarian may make recommendations for additional immunizations depending on your cat’s environment and lifestyle. Feline Leukemia and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) are two vaccines that are generally suggested if your cat goes outside. Both of these are great preventive measures, especially if you bring additional cats into your home through fostering or plan to board your cat. Bordetella is also recommended and required if boarding your animal, and many groomers may require it.

Booster Shots Are Important

Immunizations do not stop after your kitten becomes an adult. Several of the vaccines may require booster shots later on to ensure your cat is fully protected. As with all immunizations, there is still a risk of infection, but with vaccines your cat’s risk is considerably lower and the effects of the diseases they are exposed to may not be nearly as fatal, saving you money from expensive treatments, and heartache.

Contact your veterinarian today with any questions or concerns you have about your cat’s immunization needs.



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Monday-Friday 7 AM to 7 PM
Saturday 9 AM to 4 PM