Monday-Friday 7 AM to 7 PM
Saturday 9 AM to 4 PM

Surgery Info

Surgery Day Procedures

Your pet is scheduled for surgery soon and we want to give you information on what to expect on your pet’s surgery day. We will call you the night before to remind you of the surgery and answer any initial questions that you have.


What is an ovariohysterectomy (spay)?

A “spay” is the surgical procedure that involves the removal of the female animal’s ovaries and uterus under general anesthesia. After the procedure is complete, these animals are no longer able to produce offspring, which assists in aiding the fight against animal over‐population.


What does neutering your pet mean?

Considered a major operation for male animals, a “neuter”, also sometimes referred to as castrating, is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of the male animal’s testicles under general anesthesia. Once altered, the male will no longer be able to produce offspring.

Dental Care

Your pet is scheduled for a dental cleaning! Congratulations on making a great choice to keep your pet healthy and happy. Here is some important information on the disease process in general, as well as our dental procedure at Kingsland Blvd Animal Clinic.

Torn Cranial Cruciate Ligament

What is a CCL Ligament and its Function?

The CCL ligament connects the dog’s femur to the tibia to make up the dog’s knee joint, or stifle. It’s composed of a very tough band of fibrous connective tissue. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of these bands that make up the entire CCL in dogs which is why dogs will often only partially tear the ligament.

Surgical Growth Removals

Your veterinarian may have already discussed with you the details of your pet’s growth and has recommended surgical removal. We also may or may not have already recommended the need for the biopsy to be sent off for analysis. Some surgical sites will require a drain which is a tube used to remove pus, blood, or other fluids from a wound. Your veterinarian will determine whether a drain is necessary.

Dental Dislocated Kneecap

What is a Patella and its Function?

The patella, or knee cap, is a small bone buried in the muscles of the thigh. The patella normally sits in the femoral groove within the knee joint. When a dog is diagnosed with a luxating patella, the patella does not sit correctly in the femoral groove when the leg is flexed. It can luxate medially (inward) or laterally (outward) on the groove.

Thyroid Removal

A thryoid removal, or thyroidectomy, is the surgical removal of one or both lobes of the thyroid gland in cats who have been diagnosed hyperthyroid. This type of procedure does not require an over-night stay.

Entropion Surgery

Entropion is a common hereditary disorder whereby the eyelids roll inward. Thus, the eyelashes rub and irritate the surface of the eye, or “the cornea”. If not corrected, corneal scarring can occur, which can be painful and lead to vision impairment.

Umbilical Hernia

Seen more commonly in the dog than the cat, an umbilical hernia is a condition whereby the abdominal contents protrude through the abdominal wall at the area of the umbilicus or the “belly button”. It is commonly seen as a small, soft swelling where the umbilical cord was attached. A hernia occurs when the muscles of the body will fail to close.

Monday-Friday 7 AM to 7 PM
Saturday 9 AM to 4 PM