How Do Spaying and Neutering Benefit Pets?

Every pet owner wants to make informed decisions when it comes to their pet’s health and well-being, so their pet can live a long and happy life. One of the most important choices you’ll make for your pet is the decision to spay or neuter. These common medical procedures have many benefits for your pet–read […]

How Caring for Pets Teaches Children Responsibility

Children who start caring for pets at a young age learn responsibility, accountability, compassion, and empathy. Caring for and nurturing another living creature is an amazing opportunity to teach your child responsibility in the most effective (and fun!) way possible. Here’s a look at how caring for pets teaches children responsibility.  Maintaining a Schedule It’s […]

Immunizations for Your Cat

Did you know that August is National Immunization Awareness Month? This is an important time for pet owners to recognize the importance of immunizations and to schedule veterinary care to get their pets up to date with the necessary shots. Getting immunizations and regular boosters is important for your cat to have a long healthy […]

Helping Your Cat with Anxiety

Do you have a scaredy cat? If you have noticed your cat acting out for no discernable reason, it is possible your cat could be experiencing anxiety. Keep reading to learn signs of anxiety, causes, and how you can help your cat. What are the symptoms of anxiety in cats? Anxiety will not look the […]

Signs that Your Dog Needs More Activity

There are a lot of things that your dog needs to stay healthy, including nutritious food and routine check-ups with your local veterinarian. One thing that can be easy to overlook—but is incredibly important for any dog—is regular physical activity. If your dog doesn’t get enough activity, she may begin to exhibit a number of […]

Why Doggy Day Camp Is Good for Your Canine

Do you wish you could spend all day with your dog, playing and interacting? While this scenario is not practical for most dog owners, there is a way that you can ensure that your dog receives exercise, stimulation, and attention throughout the day, even when you’re at work: doggy day camp. Continue reading for an […]

Dental Hygiene for All

By Jaylynn Zepeda, Veterinary Technician Dental hygiene is an important part of everyone’s daily routine. For many, this ranges from daily brushing to annual visits to your dentist for professional cleanings and other necessary treatments. Our furry family members are not so different from us when it comes to keeping their teeth and overall mouths […]

Pet Insurance – Is it Right for You?

It’s a pet owner’s nightmare – you come home from work, and the dog has gotten into the pantry. Torn wrappers and containers are scattered all over the floor, including an empty bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips you keep for baking. Or you’re relaxing in the evening, and your dachshund jumps off the couch and […]

Heartworm Disease in Dogs and Cats

Most people in our area are at least sufficiently familiar with heartworm disease to know this is not a phrase they want to hear from their veterinarian. But what does it mean for your pet to have heartworm disease?

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